Late/Absence Procedures
Attending school regularly and punctually is important and may I remind you that parents are under a legal duty to send their children to school regularly. Parents should ensure that their children arrive at school on time, properly attired and in a condition to learn. Parents are expected to inform the school of the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible. This may be done by telephone, a note or a verbal message. As the school registers have to show whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised, the reason for the absence must be clearly given.
Family Holidays and Extended Trips
Overseas During Term Time From September 2015, Denbighshire Education has worked on providing a Denbighshire wide attendance policy to include a consistent approach of all schools on authorising holidays and no holidays taken during term time will be authorised. Parents who remove learners from school during the school day to visit the dentist, doctor or for a hospital appointment should ensure that the school is informed before hand where possible. Pupils who arrive after registration should report to the school office before going to their class room. Attendance figures for every learner is shared with parents at Parents’ Evening.
Ysgol Frongoch is pleased that its attendance rate is consistently 95% or above. Since the Covid pandemic we continue to monitor attendance regularly and aim to work with individual parents and children to support their attendance at school. We aim to support parents in being able to ensure their child’s attendance is as good as possible. The school works closely with the Educational Social Worker and monitors punctuality regularly. Pupils who are regularly late to school will be contacted by the Head Teacher and Educational Social Worker.