Friends of Frongoch

The school has established a Friends of Frongoch group made up of parents and teachers. This committee meets most terms to arrange events for pupils, which raise funds to provide the school with extra materials. These events also provide social opportunities for parents and families. All parents and staff are welcome to join – in fact your participation in this group is encouraged and appreciated by all, in the belief that many hands make light work.


Information about the latest meeting can be obtained on this Web Page or from the school office


PTA/Fundraising in Ysgol Frongoch


Sponsored Walk – July 5th .


The walk itself will take place during school time from 1pm. The length of the walk will be approximately 5 kilometres. We anticipate the walk will take up to 2 hours. This is where we then invite families along for some light refreshments i.e. hot dogs, biscuits, cake, tea & coffee which will be on sale from 3pm-4pm. For the event to go ahead, we do need some parent volunteers to escort us on the walk, to ensure ratios of children and adults are met. Therefore, we politely ask if you can come along on the day that you let us know via phone or email, please. Sponsor forms have been sent home with pupils.