Our 4 Core Purposes

Curriculum for Wales – AOLEs and the

4 purpose characters 


Capable Cai 

Year 5 were ‘loaned’ the Science labs in Denbigh High School this month to use their equipment as part of their Science topic ‘Electricity’ which combine transition opportunities and using resources in a different environment!


Ethical Erin

Xplore visited Year 5 and 6 in school about rocks and magnetism in a very hands on experience! Not only did they research how magnets were made, but also looked at the sustainability of mining rocks and how countries generate income from them and the impact this has on the wider world. All the children had a chance to sift for metals, move iron filings and grind down rocks to fine powder…all practical tasks brought to the classroom!


Healthy Henri

Year 3 have started numerous transition tasks alongside the current Year 2 children from Ysgol y Parc to ease their transition to Ysgol Frongoch. The children have completed singing and IT sessions as well as sharing a playtime together. They recall the nerves they felt last year and are enjoying reassuring the Year 2 pupils.


Capable Cai 

As part of their weekly paired reading session, Year 6 have been sharing Cymraeg books with the Year 3 pupils. They have supported them in sounding out and translating unfamiliar texts. Gwych!


Healthy Henri

Year 4 participated in an Inter-Class rugby tournament as a mid way showcase of the skills developed to date with the Rugby Development Officer. A fun afternoon was had by all with some excellent sportsmanship demonstrated.