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Attendance / Presenoldeb

Please be aware that we adopt Denbighshire County Council’s Attendance policy. Each child’s attendance is monitored very closely and we all recognise the importance of good punctuality and attendance. No term time holidays will be authorised. Should the school have any concerns about your child/ren’s attendance we will make contact with you early to discuss a support plan, in order to improve their punctuality/attendance. Following 3+days of unauthorised absence parents/carers may be invited to attend a meeting in school to put together an Attendance Support Plan, with the aim to prevent further unauthorised absences. A Fixed Penalty Notice Warning letter may be issued at 5 days unauthorised absence, and the Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued at 10 days unauthorised absence. When filling out Absence Request Forms, it is important for parents/carers to add as much information as possible. An example would be for family weddings- please add where the wedding is to take place and the day of the wedding as this informs decisions regarding any potential authorised/unauthorised days.

 Attendance is a Priority for the school this year. Children who are ‘persistently absent’ will be monitored very closely to ensure we are doing everything we can to improve their Attendance.

Please find below our attendance figures for this week.

Target School Attendance  School Attendance to Date 
94% 93.8%